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Blog Module

Product ID: blogmodule

GTP iCommerce Website for Ecommerce Blog Module

Photo of Blog Module
Price:  $899.00 AUD
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Blog Module

All GTP ecommerce web sites come with the ability to integrate a BLOG engine for you to publish news, articles of interest, imagery and other content allowing fresh content to be easily added over time.

  • The blog content can be added by your team on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
  • The menu will usually have BLOG in the heading or NEWS which links to your blog content
  • Blog pages can enable comments from the public and be turned on or off
  • Comments have to be approved to go live due to high levels of blog spam
  • Blog pages can have social sharing links
  • Author information is shown
  • Blog content helps you add fresh content easily
  • Most recent blog articles appear near the top.  You can change the sorting by changing a date field
  • A set number of blog articles are listed per page.
  • Blog search function
  • Blog keyword tagging function to group blog articles by keywords
  • Super SEO friendly URL structure
  • SEO taggings for Title, Description and Open Graph tags.

Where Do I Edit My Blog Information Myself

The BLOG pages and content is found under

Web Pages >> Blog

You can edit using the WYSIWYG editor or HTML code interface.


Updates to Blog Module Layout and Functions

If you want GTP to update your blog content or create special functions for your blog pages, we bill at our standard hourly rate.


What Does This Item Cover

  • Activation of Blog Module
  • Styling of Blog Module into Your Web Sites Style and Colours in liaison with you
  • 1 hour training on entering blog content, managing comments
  • It does not cover entering content - that\'s your department :-)



  • Over the phone
  • Remote access via teamviewer
  • GTP Support site (PDFs. Video)
  • You can create your own support notes as well in our CMS
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